Winter Semester: February 10 – April 2


The Beit Midrash of Teaneck (BMT) was born of a desire to fill a gap in the Jewish community for services tailored to meet the spiritual, intellectual and social needs of retiring baby boomers.

The program’s conceptual design was formulated in 2018 by then local residents Leonard Grunstein, Tim Levart, Simcha Katz, David Jacobowitz and Carl Feit. The official members of BMT’s founding board are Len, Tim and Simcha, who were its incorporators as a New Jersey not-for-profit corporation and 501(c)(3) religious organization.

Their original vision has evolved and become a fundamental part of the spiritual life of the Teaneck community. BMT serves and impacts the lives of so many in Teaneck, as well as the surrounding communities and online. It has become a paradigm for how the spiritual, intellectual and social needs of retirees can be integrated through the medium of Torah study at BMT. It has also facilitated what so many recognize to be an essential part of a successful retirement.

Mission Statement

The mission of Beit Midrash of Teaneck is to provide a Tuition-Free Daytime Torah study program for retirees and those with flexible schedules.

It is an innovative and stimulating program, with topical and text- based Shiurim (classes) offered three mornings a week by renowned and world class Torah educators and scholars in Gemara (Talmud), Neviim and Ketuvim (Prophets and Writings), Halacha and Machshava (Jewish Law and Philosophy), Jewish History and the weekly Torah (Bible) portion.

BMT offers in-person and remote learning options, fosters intellectual and social camaraderie, and has become a vital part of the community.

A fundamental part of the program is the innovative plan to replicate the Beit Midrash experience of Torah study. The BMT program is designed to empower all participants, no matter what the skill level, to have a meaningful experience.

The Beit Midrash is not only a venue where a person can sit and study Torah; it is also a place where people can assemble and interact with each other, as an integral part of the Torah study process. This includes breaks between classes for coffee, snacks and old-fashioned in-person socialization.

Our Staff

Program Director



Administrative Assistant

Visiting Lecturers

Rabbi Elchanan Adler

Rabbi Hayyim Angel

Rabbi Shalom Baum

Rabbi Eli Belizon

Mrs. Rachel Besser

Rabbi Dr. Shalom Carmy

Rabbi Daniel Feldman

Rabbi Daniel Fridman

Rabbi Yaakov Glasser

Rabbi Zev Goldberg

Rabbi Daniel Goldberg

Prof. Naomi Grunhaus

Rabbi Natti Helfgot

Rabbi Dr. Richard Hidary

Rabbi Dr. Ephraim Kanarfogel

Rebbetzin Emma Katz

Rabbi Binyamin Krohn

Rabbi Dr. Ari Lamm

Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz

Rabbi Yosie Levine

Rabbi Andrew Markowitz

Dr. Ari Mermelstein

Dr. Ronnie Perelis

Dr. Nechama Price

Rabbi Yona Reiss

Rabbi Michael Rosensweig

Rabbi Larry Rothwachs

Dean Daniel Rynhold

Rabbi Dr. JJ Schacter

Dean Shoshana Schechter

Rabbi Etan Schnall

Rabbi Elliot Schrier

Rabbi Ezra Schwartz

Dr. David Sclar

Rabbi Baruch Simon

Rabbi Eli B. Shulman

Rabbi Tzvi Sobolofsky

Rabbi Dr. Moshe Sokol

Rabbi Chaim Strauchler

Rabbi Michael Taubes

Mrs. Shuli Taubes

Rabbi Avraham Wein

Rabbi Yosef Weinberger

Rabbi Shlomo Weissmann

Rabbi Jeremy Wieder

Rabbi Netanel Wiederblank

Rabbi Mordechai Willig

Rabbi Ari Zahtz

Rabbi Shlomo Zuckier

Rabbi Michoel Zylberman

BMT In the Press

Program Director

Rabbi Daniel Fridman joined the Beit Midrash of Teaneck in 2021 as Maggid Shiur for Gemara, and became the Program Director in 2023.

Daniel Fridman was raised in Teaneck, New Jersey, where he lives with his wife Dr. Chaya Fridman and children.  He has served as Rabbi of Jewish Center of Teaneck since 2016, and has been a Maggid Shiur at Torah Academy of Bergen County since 2015, where he teaches High Honors Gemara Shiur to Juniors and Seniors.  He serves as Vice President of the Rabbinical Council of Bergen County for Community Affairs, where he helps coordinate communal response to antisemitism.  

Previously, Rabbi Fridman served as Resident Scholar at The Jewish Center from 2009-2015 where he did his practical rabbinic training under Rabbi Yosie Levine.  He was ordained at Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS), where he was privileged to study closely under his Rebbe, Rabbi Michael Rosensweig.  Prior to that, he studied at Yeshivat Har Etzion, where he was privileged to learn in the shiur of Rav Aharon Lichtenstein, ztl.  He holds a degree in Biological Sciences from Columbia University, summa cum laude.